
Tax Planning & Advanced Tax Strategy

Let’s get your taxes in line so you can sit back and enjoy your nomadic journey without concerns about missed tax-savings opportunities or compliance. 

Keep in mind advanced tax strategy is best tailored for high-income earners to maneuver within the tax code.


You're steps away from booking a tax strategy discovery call!

Do you own a business?

⌛ Only a few more questions to go

Does your business have a net profit over $250,000?

⌛️ Almost there

What's the TAX structure of your business?

⌛️ Getting closer

Do you have rental property?

⌛️ Even closer

Do you have rental property?

⌛️ Even closer

Tell me about your rental property or properties. What state is it located? Is it a single family home, commercial, etc? Let's learn more to understand the full picture.

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Please tell me why you're interested in tax planning and tax strategy. This can help me learn your business and personal goals. 

ie. you can plan to sell the business or property in the next year.

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Sounds like you might be a great fit for advanced tax strategy to optimize your tax savings. 

Schedule a discovery call to take the next step.

Fill out this form
Discovery call
Tax savings

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Congratulations on being a business owner! Sounds like you're on the right path.

Although advanced tax strategy support is most helpful for those with a higher income business, there are other ways I can help you understand taxes!

1. Check out all the free articles on the website!

2. Get personalized assistance with tax preparation.

3. Take a self-study course such as Nomad Business Academy, S Corp Savvy, etc.

4. Attend TaxTuesday, the first Tuesday of every month @ 10 am mountain time. You can submit a question to be answered LIVE.

5. Lastly, jump on my list to receive a monthy email with tips and tricks.

Tax Queen is here to help and support you in all the stages of your business journey.

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Nearly done! 🎉

Congratulations on starting your business!

Although advanced tax strategy support is most helpful for those with a well established business, there are other ways I can help you understand taxes!

1. Check out all the free articles on the website!

2. Get personalized assistance with tax preparation.

3. Take a self-study course such as Nomad Business Academy, S Corp Savvy, etc.

4. Attend TaxTuesday, the first Tuesday of every month @ 10 am mountain time. You can submit a question to be answered LIVE.

5. Lastly, jump on my list to receive a monthy email with tips and tricks.

Tax Queen is here to support you in all the stages of your business journey.

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Nearly done! 🎉

With no business or rental property, tax strategy isn't the right fit at this time.

Don't go just yet though because there are other ways I can help you understand taxes!

1. Check out all the free articles on the website!

2. Get personalized assistance with tax preparation.

3. Take a self-study course such as Nomad Business Academy, S Corp Savvy, etc.

4. Attend TaxTuesday, the first Tuesday of every month @ 10 am mountain time. You can submit a question to be answered LIVE.

5. Lastly, jump on my list to receive a monthy email with tips and tricks.

Tax Queen is here to support you in all the stages of your journey.

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Thank you 👍

Start your business
Learn about tax deductions
Save on taxes

We appreciate your interest in savings on taxes. At this time advanced tax strategy isn't a good fit for you.

Don't leave yet. We've got a solution for you to get started with tax savings. It's called Nomad Business Academy and it will teach you all you need to know about available business deductions to SAVE ON TAXES. 

Go check it out and see what you think! Hope to see you in there.


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